Friday, January 18, 2013


In my last New Orleans Religions class, we discussed the different race names in the 1800s for those who lived in the south. One of these was Quadroons. These people were known to be one fourth black and three fourths white. I later learned that when a female quadroon became of age, she would attend the quadroon ball. Growing up in the New Orleans area, I thought of this as a Mardi Gras ball. A ball where people party to celebrate the king and queen by dancing like there is no end. Come to find out, I was wrong. A quadroon ball was held for young girls to meet men of the south to marry and support them. Not only did the creole men marry and support the young ladies, but they also supported their other family because most of them were already married. The wives of these men knew of the second wife and kids, but they just turned their heads. This tradition can be seen as unofficial polygamy. I found this interesting because even though I have experienced the New Orleans culture and traditions, I had no idea that something like the quadroon ball even existed. It is fascinating to find out more history on my city. New Orleans is a great melting pot full of different cultures and people, and it should be studied.   

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