Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ray Nagin

Ray Nagin
After watching a documentary and reading about the Vietnamese-American culture and their suffering during Katrina I became curious of a person who was commonly portrayed, in a way, as an antagonist. Ray Nagin, mayor of New Orleans, was given the task of rebuilding and improving New Orleans after Katrina had hit. I have heard of him in several other occasions and always I've heard he did not do a good job and sometimes his actions would benefit the wrong group of people (perhaps for personal gain). As an example, one of the websites I visited to get information about Nagin said the following: ". He was intensely criticized by the local media throughout this term. For example, his "100 day plan" to accelerate the rebuilding of New Orleans was bashed for what critics said was a tardy release, lack of details and activity in moving forward." ( He has been recently indicted on 21 corruption charges including wire fraud, bribery and money laundering. "If convicted on all charges, he faces more than 15 years in prison. Nagin becomes the first mayor in the city's 295-year history to be indicted under federal corruption charges" (read more in this website)

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