Saturday, January 26, 2013

Haitian Loa: Baron Samedi

  Haitian Loa: Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi 
     Baron Samedi (Baron "Saturday" (from french word "samedi")), the head of the Guédés, a sub grouping of the Loa is the Loa of the dead. He is also syncretized to Jesus Christ and is represented by a cross. One of Baron's rituals is to dig the grave of a person who has died and ensure that the corpse decomposes to ensure the soul does not re-enter the body to become a zombie. Additionally, he is the only individual in Haitian Voodoo that can accept an individual into the realm of the dead. Baron Samedi is often depicted wearing a top hat with a fancy jacket, nose plugs and glasses. This is to depict a dead body that has been prepared for burial. Baron Samedi is believed to have a skull for a face, or at least has face paint to make his face resemble a skull.
     Despite being the Loa of the dead, Baron Samedi is also the Loa of resurrection and sex and is represented partaking in several questionable/party activities such as, but not limited to: debauchery (such as heavy drinking (of rum (he is rarely seen without rum)) and smoking tobacco (also rarely seen without a cigar)) and general obscenity (makes inappropriate jokes on a regular basis). 
Baron Samedi's "Cross" Symbol

     Although Baron Samedi spends most of his time in the Voodoo Spirit world, he often leaves the spirit world to indulge on material pleasures and to pursue living women (despite being married to Voodoo Loa, Maman Brigitte (Mother Brigitte). Being the leader of the Guédé, Baron Samedi has dominance over several other lesser Voodoo spirits. One trait that Baron has over the other Guédés is his charm. However, all the lesser Guédés are known to be equally as rude, disgusting, crude and partake in the same guilty pleasures as their master, Baron Samedi. The main purpose of these lesser Guédés is to aid Baron Samedi in any way necessary, especially and most commonly, by leading the dead to the underworld. 
     Braon Samedi is often worshiped by people making offerings and sacrifices to him such as cigars and/or rum or through the usage of sacred Voodoo relics and objects or power. Also, he can be worshiped simply by wearing his colors (black, purple and white). In rare cases, Baron Samedi may require his worshipers to carry out a full Voodoo ceremony to aid him in his passage from the Voodoo spirit world into our world.


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