Thursday, March 14, 2013


I read an article on White Cloud from this website that I wanted to briefly share with you.

Wabokieshiek, also referred to as "White Cloud" was born in 1794. He was half Sauk and half Winnebago and was known to be extremely violent towards white Americans. Because he was widely regarded as a prophet among many tribes, Black Hawk placed much trust in him. When one of Black Hawk's lieutenants visited White Cloud, the prophet told him that if Black Hawk continued the war against the whites, "the Great Spirit and a large army...would enable him to overcome the whites and regain possession of his old village." Black Hawk followed the prophets orders but was eventually defeated in 1832. Black Hawk and White Cloud were both eventually held in captivity together until their release on June 24, 1833.  Thenceforth, Wabokieshiek was stripped of his title as prophet and lived in exile until his death in 1841. 

The Prophet. Picture obtained from this website.

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