Thursday, March 7, 2013

Yoruban Witchcraft

Witchcraft in the Yoruban religions is quite different than many people imagine it to be. One big difference is that the “witches” (just about every initiated priest or priestess in the religion has some skill in witchcraft) don’t use their own powers or abilities. The spells, or ebbos as they are referred to in Santería, are offerings and gifts of ashé to the orishas as payment for services. The Yoruban religions focus on a reciprocal relationship between humans and the spirits. Another unique aspect of Yoruban magic is that there are not set spells. No spell is performed without consultation of the spirits. The reason for this is because even though the person may know what they want, only the spirits know what the best way to grant it would be. For example, if a person wanted to attract a lover, it would make the most sense to invoke Oshun, the goddess of love. However, the person’s problem may be an innate lack of passion, and should instead invoke Chango instead.

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