Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mardi Gras Symbols: Colors

Since I have lived in this city for most of my life, I have seen the colors purple, green, and gold around the city and I've always wondered how those colors came to represent Mardi Gras. So I did some research and found that in 1872 Rex, the king of carnival chose the colors purple, green, and gold as the official colors of Mardi Gras. Though no one knows why Rex chose those colors, there has been speculations that they were chosen to honor the Russian Grand Alexei Alexandroivch, who visited New Orleans and was an honored guest at the inaugural Rex parade. What remains certain though is that, in the parade of 1892, Rex gave each of the colors had a different meaning, gold meant power, green meant faith, and purple meant justice and to this day they have remained as the colors of Mardi Gras. 

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