Friday, February 22, 2013

Saint Joseph

When I was young, my mother told my Aunt Thea to burry a small St. Joseph statue upside down in front of her house in order to sell is faster. But why would someone want to do that? Through inquiry I have found some answers. I have learned that thus tradition sets back to St. Theresa of Avila. She prayed for St. Joseph to help the Christians acquire land. Part of this spiritual process evolved burying St. Joseph metals to show their devotion. Low and behold, their prayers were answered, and the tradition started. St. Joseph experienced the trouble with housing when he was turned down at all of the Inns in Bethlehem when baby Jesus was about to be born. Therefore it is said that St. Joseph helps others sell their houses so they do not have to experience the dilemmas he did. This tradition has turned from burying metals to burying small inexpensive statues upside down. All people have to do is bury it and pray, and St. Joseph will answer their prayers. Some may say that this is crazy, and that it does not take a statue to sell a house. I beg to differ because I have seen St. Joseph help my aunt out. She sold her house within a couple of weeks after she buried the statue. The most important thing is to have faith, because without faith in St. Joseph there is no hope.  
Photo Credit: Google Images

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